FDA hearing on CBD

Two weeks ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration held a long-needed hearing on CBD. A lot of people attended, and they had a lot to say. The biggest takeaway seems to be that consumers want CBD products. But the demand for the goods hasn’t produced high-quality products. Regulation came up repeatedly based on the … Read more

CBD for sciatic pain?

Sciatica isn’t just your ordinary low-back pain. If you’ve had it you know that. If you haven’t, I hope you never need to deal with it. What is sciatica? The sciatic nerve runs through your body starting in the lower back and moving down the hips and buttocks through the back of your leg. This … Read more

5 Reasons to use CBD from hemp

For those reading this blog for the first time I’m going to start this one with some background: the endocannabinoid system already present in every body. If you’re not new to the blog, give me a moment to get everyone up to speed, and then we’ll dive into the benefits. Here’s the Cliff’s notes version. … Read more

CBD extraction method is key

Right now, CBD is hot, hot, hot. But what do you know about your CBD, especially the extraction method. It’s kind of a big deal, so here is what you might want to think about. Any CBD product, be it oil, topicals, edibles, whatever, starts as an oil extract. How the CBD is extracted makes … Read more

Hemp and a healthy ecosystem

Most of these blogs tell you about how CBD from hemp works in your body to help you balance your health. Well, you know, CBD and hemp are good for humans, but hemp could really lend a hand in keeping our environment healthy. Hemp and our environment The debate over climate change and whether to … Read more

5 reasons to use CBD-infused skin products

If you’ve never used CBD-infused lotions or creams on your skin, you’re missing out. In the first place, CBD-infused products rarely contain the chemicals, parabens, artificial preservatives and other synthetic components that can be toxic and harm your skin. Nope, what you get from Lost Remedy, are CBD, essential and carrier oils and purified water, … Read more

CBD skin care for radiation treatment

Within the past year, I’ve communicated with many men and women diagnosed with cancer. From their treatment, I’ve learned this: With a cancer diagnosis comes treatment. With treatment comes side effects. With side effects come more medication and potentially more side effects. But, what if there was a product or products that could alleviate some … Read more

5 ways CBD can help your pets

 Pet owners tend to think of their furry friends as family. When they’re sad, we’re sad. When they hurt, we hurt. So, what’s a pet owner to do if illness or allergies, or whatever, befall our critters? CBD perhaps? Just like humans, cats and dogs have an endocannabinoid system, complete with CB1 and CB2 receptors. … Read more

5 questions to ask before using CBD

Right now, CBD is a hot commodity. It crops up everywhere and is becoming a common source of therapy for just about everything. The big question for many people who are looking for an alternative to pharmaceuticals is, “Should I try using CBD?” One way to decide is to ask yourself a few questions. 1. … Read more

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