The amazing versatile hemp

Sometimes a picture can say it all. In this case, the picture is a snapshot of just how valuable and versatile hemp can be. It has been a pariah for too long, and finally it can resume its place in the economy as food, fuel, clothing, cars, construction, well, I’ll let the infographic speak for … Read more

CBD bioavailability: what is it?

Let’s just get this blog rolling with a definition. Bioavailability: The degree to which a drug or other substance becomes available to the target tissue after administration. CBD has become extremely popular lately. It can be found in beverages, beauty products, tinctures, you name it, someone has probably thought of a way to infuse CBD into a product. There are plenty of options for using CBD, and as many different methods … Read more

Which kinds of pain can CBD treat?

A few weeks ago, CBD and arthritis pain was my blog topic. Since then, I’ve wondered what other kinds of pain CBD can help. I already wrote about arthritis pain, so I’ll leave that out of this blog. CBD and you Let’s brush up on the basics. First, CBD is a cannabinoid that doesn’t get … Read more

Hemp, historically speaking

In December, with much fanfare, the 2018 Farm Bill was passed and hemp became legal. Again. And as long as it contains no more than 0.3% THC. That’s good news. Of course it is. But, hemp was once a cornerstone of American agriculture. The history of hemp is long and varied. It’s probably one of … Read more

Can CBD replace other medicines?

A recent article in Forbes stated that, “Nearly half of people who use cannabidiol products stop taking traditional medicines.” I was intrigued. The Brightfield Group and HelloMD surveyed 2,400 individuals who use cannabis; the survey showed that women were more likely than men to use cannabis. Once survey participants started using CBD, 41 percent of … Read more

CBD for arthritis?

From a scientific standpoint, there are three categories of pain: ·      Nociceptive: inflammatory pain caused by injury ·      Neuropathic: damage to nerves ·      Idiopathic: no known cause (fibromyalgia is one such condition) For this blog, we’ll discuss arthritis, which mostly falls into the first category. This chronic condition, often accompanied by pain in the joints, … Read more

Dosing with CBD

We’ve discussed CBD oil frequently in this blog, but I’m not sure we’ve talked how to dose with CBD. Because there is a dearth of research, dosing with CBD is still in its infancy. However, with a little trial and error, you can find what works for you and the condition you’re dosing for. Before … Read more

CBD, the mane event

In this blog, we’ve discussed what CBD can do for your skin, but today I’d like to look at what it can do for your hair. Our mane can be our crowning glory or it can be a source of frustration. CBD, showing up in more hair care products, and beauty products in general, may … Read more

CBD and autism

A recent study from a group of researchers in Israel backs up what parents of some children with autism already know: CBD helps calm their children. It also improves their ability to communicate and become more self-sufficient.  Because of the restrictions placed on CBD and medical cannabis in the United States, research is slow to … Read more

What can CBD do for you?

For the past three years, I’ve written about CBD from the perspective of research, evidence of its value and benefits, and how to use it for maximum effect. But, this week, I’m going to let our customers tell you why they use CBD topicals. Since we started Lost Remedy in 2016, we’ve received a lot … Read more

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