Dosing with CBD

We’ve discussed CBD oil frequently in this blog, but I’m not sure we’ve talked how to dose with CBD. Because there is a dearth of research, dosing with CBD is still in its infancy. However, with a little trial and error, you can find what works for you and the condition you’re dosing for.

Before I go much farther, I want to direct you to the frequently asked questions on the Lost Remedy website. It contains a good bit of practical information you should know before you start thinking about dosing. It’s worth reading. Now, back to the business at hand.

What is the right dosage for CBD?

First of all, there is no quick answer, just more questions. For instance:

·      What is the concentration of the CBD?

·      How much do you weigh?

·      Do you know your body chemistry?

·      What is the condition and how severe is it?

 Potential dosages for CBD Potential dosages for CBD

·      Should you use a topical or an ingestible?

Because everyone is different, dosing with CBD feels different for everyone. Dosage will vary, so the Mayo Clinic offers up these based on scientific research, traditional use and expert opinion for various illnesses:

  • Loss of appetite in cancer patients: 2.5mg of THC (orally), with or without 1mg of CBD for six weeks.

  • Chronic pain: 2.5-20mg of CBD [with or without THC] (orally).

  • Epilepsy: 200-300mg of CBD (orally) daily.

  • Movement problems due to Huntington’s disease: 10mg of CBD per kg of body weight daily for six weeks (orally).

  • Sleep disorders: 40mg-160mg of CBD (orally).

  • Multiple sclerosis symptoms: Cannabis plant extracts containing 2.5-120mg of a THC/CBD combination daily for 2-15 weeks. Patients typically use eight sprays within any three hours, with a maximum of 48 sprays in any 24-hour period.

  • Schizophrenia: 40-1,280mg oral CBD daily.

  • Glaucoma: A single sublingual CBD dosage of 20-40mg (more than 40 mg may increase eye pressure).

Ingestible or topical CBD?

The answer to this question depends on the condition. If you’re dosing for arthritis, muscle pain, or other conditions that are close to the skin, a topical may be the quickest route to relief. For conditions that are more internal: brain, organs, immune system, depression, etc., ingestibles are the best way to reach the target. Either way, CBD interacts directly with the endocannabinoid system already present in every body.

First estimate how much you’ll take based on your body weight. More mass tends to need higher dosage. One rule of thumb is to use 1 to 6mg for every 10 pounds of body weight. But as a general caution, start with a smaller dose and work up gradually to find what works best for you.

CBD oil is easily ingested. Place a dropper of oil under your tongue and hold it there for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing. How do you measure the dose? Usually one dropper holds 1 ML of liquid. If you know how many milliliters are in a CBD tincture, you can use this simple formula to determine how much CBD is in its dropper:

Total CBD in bottle ÷ Number of milliliters in bottle = MGs of CBD in a dropper

For example, if you have a 30ml CBD tincture that has 1,500MG of CBD:

1,500 ÷ 30 = 50MG of CBD per dropper

For topicals, apply to the affected area making sure the product is absorbed. Then, reapply as often as necessary to find relief. There are rarely side effects associated with CBD from hemp.

Dosing is not an exact science. Yet. But as we learn more about CBD and how it affects conditions and our bodies, dosing information will probably become more widely available.

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