5 questions to ask before using CBD

Right now, CBD is a hot commodity. It crops up everywhere and is becoming a common source of therapy for just about everything. The big question for many people who are looking for an alternative to pharmaceuticals is, “Should I try using CBD?”

One way to decide is to ask yourself a few questions.

1. CBD or THC?

More people are turning to CBD to eliminate the high associated with THC, even though both have medicinal qualities. Although CBD and THC are derived from the same plant, CBD has less than 0.3% of THC, the component that gives you the recreational high. So if the high is what you are after, CBD may not be for you

2. What condition do you hope CBD will help?

Popular as a dietary supplement and for improving the quality of skin and hair, CBD also has shown to help ease symptoms of certain conditions. The most notable benefit of CBD is its ability to control seizures, especially in young children.

Anxiety, depression and panic disorders also tend to respond favorably to CBD, whether ingested, inhaled or used sublingually. In addition, CBD has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. CBD seems to reduce symptoms in inflammatory conditions such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, arthritis and others.

People also take CBD for pain, acne, nausea and insomnia.

3. What do I want CBD to do for me?

CBD isn’t a silver bullet that can cure any condition or disease. More studies need to be conducted before use of CBD becomes widely accepted. On the other hand, people have found relief from pain, seizures, depression and symptoms related to inflammatory diseases. Others use it as a dietary supplement to help boost their immune systems.

I want to be clear, however, that not all CBD is created equal, and it isn’t a blanket cure for everything that ails you. You need to do your research. Find quality CBD, don’t just rely on the advertiser to steer you in the right direction. Ask questions, learn where the CBD came from, is it full-spectrum, what was the extraction method? You get the picture. Next you’ll need to experiment with dosing and how your body or condition reacts or responds to it.

Finally, if you are taking THC medicinally, CBD may counteract the medicinal effects. Always consult your health care practitioner before taking CBD, especially if you are on medications. It’s possible that CBD could cause a drug reaction with medications you’re taking, so you need to check before you start using it.

4.  What’s the best way to use CBD?

CBD comes in several forms. Oil, gummies or other foodstuffs, topical applications, and vapes are the most common methods people use. Here is another area where not all CBD products are created equal. Topicals, as the name implies, work well for symptoms such as arthritis, joint or muscle pain; acne; rash; skin injury or other conditions where you’d apply a lotion, balm, cream or salve. It can work fairly quickly to help relieve your symptoms. Here again, not one single topical can take care of every symptom.

Gummies, candies, tinctures are edible. They travel to your bloodstream through your digestive system. Then they’re absorbed into areas that need relief. Usually, relief takes a little longer because the CBD has a distance to go before reaching its destination.

CBD oil can be consumed, but works faster when it’s placed under the tongue and held there for 30 to 60 seconds. When taken like this, sublingually, it is absorbed through the large vein under the tongue called the sublingual gland, and sent quickly to the bloodstream.

Vapes are cigarette-style pens through which you inhale CBD oil that has been treated with a thinning agent. This is the fastest delivery method (other than injection), and is carried to the bloodstream almost immediately. If this is your preferred method, try to find out what thinning agent was used. Some require heat, which can break them down into cancer causing compounds. The favored thinning agents are vegetable glycerin and multiple chain triglyceride oil.

5. Is CBD safe?

We’ve already mentioned that it’s important to do your research and discuss you’re your doctor adding CBD to your regimen to avoid drug interactions. It’s also important to remember that everyone is unique and responds differently to CBD.

Studies have shown that most adults tolerate even large doses of CBD without side effects. In fact, side effects to the central nervous system, vital signs or even mood were negligible even in really high doses. Side effects, if any, were tiredness, mild diarrhea or changes in appetite or weight.

Remember, CBD is hot right now, but just because retailers say there is CBD in it, look closely at the quality and amount. Don’t just take their word for it. If they aren’t willing to give you good information about its origin, extraction methods or third-party labs, look elsewhere.

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