Can CBD up your fitness game?

Among athletes, CBD has become the go-to for sports recovery. Training for a sport takes a toll on athletes’ bodies, sometimes leading to lifelong pain. It’s not just professional athletes who experience pain and injury. Children and teens are not immune to the effects of playing or working hard at their sports. Topical applications and … Read more

CBD for wounds? Absolutely.

Treating wounds and skin conditions with CBD topicals has been done through the millennia. They come in the form of lotions, balms, creams, oils or salves that are applied directly to the injury. The definition of injury in conjunction with these products can be cuts; lacerations; burns; puncture wounds; surgery and malignant wounds; injured muscles; … Read more

Two years and going strong

April marks the two-year anniversary for Lost Remedy. If you’ve read about us on our website, you probably know the Burn Formula could be called the progenitor of Lost Remedy. In the two years since we opened our doors (well, web portal really), we’ve increased our product line with quality in mind. We use high-quality, … Read more

Shopping for CBD

Recently, I read an article about contaminated CBD oil. It got me thinking about how people who are interested in CBD should approach buying products. CBD from hemp is not toxic, nor psychoactive. So becoming ill from CBD is probably because other substances have been introduced. During extraction of CBD, toxins can be introduced from … Read more

Pets and CBD

Last summer, I was with some friends and their dogs. At one point the puppy play got out of hand, causing a puncture wound in one dog’s ear. Because I was caring for a wound on my own leg, I had Lost Remedy First Aid Balm with me. We stanched the pup’s bleeding and smeared … Read more

What is the endocannabinoid system?

I’ve talked before about the human endocannaboid system, and the CB1 and CB2 receptors, but what are they? Well, let’s talk about that. It wasn’t until scientists began doing research early in the 20th century that they knew humans had an endocannabinoid system. When it was discovered, scientists learned that this system helps regulate our … Read more

Why we’re chemical-free

Last week I told you about big name clothiers using hemp for their garments. A big reason they do so is because of hemp’s sustainability. I think even if climate change were a hoax (and I don’t believe it is, but just for the sake of argument, let’s play this out) we would want to … Read more

Hemp is haute

Did you know that some pretty high-end clothing manufacturers are using hemp for their clothing lines? Here’s why. It’s fashionable, durable, versatile, cost-effective and eco-friendly. In fact, hemp beats cotton hands down with these benefits: It absorbs and releases perspiration quickly and breathes well It absorbs dye easily and retains color well It holds up … Read more

Dynamic duo: CBD and vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a thing. Really. In fact, the International Journal of Health Sciences calls it an ignored epidemic. How did that happen you ask? Well, we first need to look at the most efficient way your body gets vitamin D. Sunlight. Yep, you stand in the sun and your body makes vitamin D … Read more

Beyond skin deep

With Valentine’s Day approaching, you are probably wondering what to give to the love of your life. And I think you can do that just fine without my help and will leave you to ponder that. Instead, I really want to talk about you. It’s great to show your Valentine some love, but do you … Read more

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