CBD topicals, the gift of love

Do you know what’s more romantic than chocolate and wine for Valentine’s Day? CBD topicals, the gift of love. Why are CBD topicals the gift of love? Let me count the ways. The gift of health and wellness for all What better way to show your love than giving products made with natural ingredients that … Read more

CBD topicals for restless legs

Think about the last time the crawling, tingling sensation in your legs woke you. Did you wonder if you could use CBD topicals for your restless legs? If you have restless leg syndrome, you’re no stranger to dropping off to sleep only to be wakened by the irresistible urge to move your legs. Uncomfortable sensations … Read more

2022: CBD topicals are still haute

Are you wondering whether CBD topicals are still haute in 2022? More than just a trend, people who use them know that CBD topicals are haute for a reason. Topicals, already popular among consumers, has also piqued the interest of scientists. Let’s back up and give you the basics. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one … Read more

‘Tis the season for CBD topicals

OK, saying ‘tis the season for CBD topicals is a bit self-serving. But, in light of the roller coaster that was 2021, you may want to do something nice for yourself. Lost Remedy CBD topicals offer health and beauty benefits with clean ingredients that are good for your body and our planet. Because we all … Read more

CBD topicals spread holiday cheer

Do you know why giving CBD topicals spreads holiday cheer? For starters, you can never get the wrong size, color or style. CBD health and beauty products are always welcome, and they are easily transported. Plus, the products contain no chemicals or toxins, so they’re good for you and the planet. CBD topicals for holiday … Read more

CBD topicals to manage pain

Did you know you can use CBD topicals to manage pain?Maybe you’re an avid athlete or even a weekend athlete. Or not an athlete at all. When you physically overdo or change your routine, chances are you’ve felt the sting of using your body in ways you’re not accustomed to. There’s good news, you can … Read more

CBD topicals for post-surgery pain

Recently, I had a hip replacement and wondered when I returned home if I should use CBD topicals for post-surgery pain. The kind of hip replacement I had is a noninvasive anterior surgery. Unlike the more common posterior surgery, this one doesn’t cut through a bunch of big butt muscles. Rather muscles are moved to the … Read more

CBD topicals with dry brushing

You’ve probably heard of dry brushing, but what if you used CBD topicals with dry brushing? Capital idea. I’ll tell you why. But first, some background on dry brushing. If you regularly read this blog, you know creates CBD topicals for health and beauty. All of our topicals are free of chemicals, stabilizers, toxins and other … Read more

CBD topicals for TMJ pain

Can you use CBD topicals for TMJ pain? Hemp-derived CBD topicals are a natural for TMJ pain; but before we get into why and how, let’s look at the basics. What is TMJ? The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is that part of your mouth where the jawbone hinges to the skull. That joint lets you open … Read more

CBD for nerve pain

When nerve pain takes degrades your quality of life, you may be ready for CBD topicals. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an alternative may alleviate pain without … Read more

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