Hemp’s fall from grace

Hemp was once widely grown in America. Heck, it was used all over the world, dating back to the Neolithic Age in China, for a multitude of products: paper, textiles, food, plastics, insulation, biofuel—the list is long. And then came reefer madness. Two factors converged to discredit hemp. The story goes that William Randolf Hearst, … Read more

CBD niche market: baby boomers

You may recall a recent blog in which I discussed CBD for an aging demographic. Well, now boomers have their own CBD consumer website complete with need-to-know information: Three Wells, a company geared toward older adults. As you probably already know, adults over age 50 comprise a good chunk of the American demographic, have plenty … Read more

Insomnia and CBD

Getting enough sleep isn’t easy for some people. Busy lives, stress, restless leg syndrome, chronic pain, depression, so many factors can cut into a good night’s sleep. In fact, it’s estimated that 70 million suffer from insomnia, insufficient sleep or sleep disorders. What’s a body to do? CBD may be an option that bears some … Read more

Cannabis research, part 2

As I told you in last week’s blog, research is being done when it comes to CBD, hemp and cannabis. Most of what I wrote about took place in 2016 or earlier. But, this year, a number of studies and research have already been published, not all of them related to the health benefits of … Read more

Cannabis research is alive and well: Part 1

If you’ve read these blogs, you know I often mention that more research needs to be done to help us understand how cannabis can benefit our economy, health, and ecology. Well, I’ve done some research and found a number of interesting studies and who’s doing them. In the early 1960s, before CBD, hemp and cannabis … Read more

CBD products for aging

I can’t think of anyone who isn’t interested in finding that one product that will stop aging: a fountain of youth, shall we say. Well, CBD isn’t a fountain of youth, but as we age, using CBD topicals and edibles can help take us into our dotage with healthful benefits. Aging isn’t for the faint … Read more

Bits and pieces

Yes, it’s been awhile since I’ve given you snippets of what’s in the news regarding hemp and CBD. Now is as good a time as any, so here goes. Two things stand out about the United States and hemp: The United States is the largest consumer of hemp products in the world Industrial hemp holds … Read more

Environmentally friendly beauty products

You probably have heard that beauty products and cosmetics contain more than a couple harsh toxic chemicals. The fact that we put them on our skin is one thing. But, do you know what these products might be doing to the environment? Let’s break this down. First, even if the products you use say natural, … Read more

What to look for in CBD products

I’ve been writing about CBD and hemp now for more than two years, and I’ve learned a lot. You know that I am a strong proponent of CBD and hemp, and love reading and writing about it. But, it occurs to me that I’ve never really written about what to look for when buying oils, … Read more

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