Bits and pieces

Yes, it’s been awhile since I’ve given you snippets of what’s in the news regarding hemp and CBD. Now is as good a time as any, so here goes.

Two things stand out about the United States and hemp:

  • The United States is the largest consumer of hemp products in the world
  • Industrial hemp holds great potential to bolster the agricultural economy of the United States

I know it’s like preaching to the choir, but from the good news department comes a Forbes article.

U.S. Senate Unanimously Approves Hemp Measure

In June, the U. S. Senate adopted legislation that finally recognizes hemp’s economic potential for our farmers and its historical relevance. The charge is being led by, of all people, Mitch McConnell. The Republican Senator from Kentucky recently introduced a bill to legalize hemp, which for some obscure reason is considered a Schedule 1 narcotic. He has a lot of support for this bill. May I say it’s about time?

Next up, an article about the Drug Enforcement Agency, the same one that classified hemp as a Schedule 1 narcotic, which may be having a change of heart.

DEA Moving Forward with Reclassification of CBD Ahead of GW’s Launch of Epidiolex

You see, in June the U. S. Food and Drug Administration approved a CBD-derived medication for juvenile epilepsy. Because the Schedule 1 classification states there are no medical benefits of this class of narcotics, it may have to eat those words. Never mind that CBD is non-psychoactive. It’s not a done deal, but things are progressing, I think.

Finally, this article that takes into account the historical use of the entire cannabis plant for medicinal purposes, although hemp has myriad other beneficial aspects. To see the value of hemp, check out the infographic at the end of this article.

Cannabis Roots: From Traditional Medicine to Modern Science

We’ve known the flowers of the cannabis plant have value, but the entire plant, roots and all, have value. Oh, and throughout history, the world over, cannabis has been heralded as therapeutic for various ailments.

As promised, here is an infographic that gives you a taste of the ways hemp/CBD provides value to our health, welfare and environment.

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