5 reasons to use CBD-infused skin products

If you’ve never used CBD-infused lotions or creams on your skin, you’re missing out. In the first place, CBD-infused products rarely contain the chemicals, parabens, artificial preservatives and other synthetic components that often can harm skin. Nope, what you get from Lost Remedy, are CBD, essential and carrier oils and purified water, all organically sourced. … Read more

What are CB1 and CB2 receptors?

Over the past three years, I have commented many times about CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are present in every body. You may have thought, that’s all well and good but what are they, and what do they do? Excellent question. Let’s dive a little deeper today, and go beyond the surface to understand their … Read more

Can CBD help IBD?

What is IBD, you ask? It’s an umbrella term for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which include Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, as well as lymphocytic colitis and collagenous colitis, the two main types of microscopic colitis. Essentially, these conditions are a form of inflammation in the digestive tract. Symptoms often include abdominal pain or cramping, gas … Read more

Can CBD relieve cerebral palsy symptoms?

Maybe. At least it shows promise for improving speech, relieving pain and reducing spasticity. Let’s be clear, there isn’t a cure for cerebral palsy, which is a neurological condition. Damage to an infant’s brain causes lesions that lead to cerebral palsy of which there are four types: ·       Ataxic cerebral palsy causes coordination and balance … Read more

CBD: Looking back at 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, I think it’s a good idea to look at how CBD fared in 2018. It’s been a busy year for cannabis, and a good one at that. How good? Well, let’s take a peek at the studies that stand out, some even making headlines. CBD and research We’ve all … Read more

CBD and the flu

With the advent of winter comes the flu shot lectures. Do flu shots really do any good? I don’t know. Seems evidence suggests they do according to some, but I’ve never gotten one (and don’t intend to), so I don’t have first-hand experience. Plus, I’m not here to discuss flu shots. I’d like to look … Read more

What’s the difference between CBD and THC?

We have mostly discussed CBD in this blog, but maybe you’ve wondered how THC, the other cannabinoid that originally came from the same plant, differ. The original plant, cannabis sativa, is the matriarch of these two cannabinoids. But, at one point the DNA branched out, something I won’t get into here, but you can read … Read more

Can CBD help your pets?

I’ve talked a lot about how humans benefit from CBD. What about our pets? Because your dog, cat or other furry critter is more family than just an animal when it gets sick, you do everything in your power to help. So, if CBD can help humans, will it do the same for your pet? … Read more

5 benefits of CBD oil 

It seems lately that CBD has everyone talking. At Lost Remedy, we’ve always known CBD was buzz-worthy. Why have so many others taken up the buzz about CBD-infused topicals and CBD oil? First of all, CBD is nonpyschoactive (you don’t get high from using it), it’s not habit forming, and has few side effects. However, … Read more

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