Skin is really magnificent, you know. Not only does it envelop and contain our bones, muscles and organs, it protects them. I don’t think it’s too simplistic to say, skin is the first line of defense to harmful bacteria and viruses that tend to come at us from the air. We tend to take skin for granted. Until we don’t. Usually your skin goes about its important business only making its presence known when something hurts or irritates it. CBD, a cannabinoid found in hemp, is a natural for not only helping treat a skin condition, CBD lotions and beauty products can act as a preventive to protect skin and help it stay smooth and elastic.
There are a few common skin conditions that respond well to CBD in many instances: Here are three.
CBD for acne?
Acne, the bane of any teen’s existence, also plagues many adults. Caused by overproduction of oils called lipids, acne responds to CBD because it inhibits lipid production to prevent or help treat acne. Anti-inflammatory properties help control the redness that accompanies pimples, which are essentially infections. Finally, its antibacterial properties treat the infection and fend off acne’s return.
Now you may be thinking its counterintuitive to use an oil to treat a condition that is caused by your sebaceous glands being plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Well, let me help you change your mind. Your skin has tiny glands (sebaceous) that pump an oily substance into your hair follicles to help lubricate your skin and hair.
Using CBD oil or topical treatments, you connect it with CB1 and CB2 receptors (already present in our bodies) that live in sebaceous glands and hair follicles. These receptors alert the nervous system to set up the systems that reduce inflammation. So, CBD oil uses its anti-inflammatory powers that help reduce the visible inflammation induced by clogged hair follicles.
CBD for a rash?
Rashes come in a plethora of forms and for just as many reasons. Using CBD topicals promotes moisture and relieves dryness. It adds essentials vitamins and fatty acids to the skin that help promote elasticity and wards off infection. Using CBD for rash is especially beneficial and here’s why.
It’s anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial, and a rash essentially an inflammation. Usually a rash presents as red, scaly, itchy patches on skin or scalp. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can relieve the intensity of the inflammation and soothe the itch. But it also interacts with the endocannabinoid system we all have in our bodies. This system promotes balance in the immune system. Rashes often occur because of a compromised immune system and calming inflammation and helping to regulate the immune system is important in itself. In addition, the moisturizing effect on skin further enhances the healing properties of CBD topicals.
Finally, CBD has anti-itch and anti-drying properties. Scratching, as anyone who’s had a rash knows, can cause the rash to break open, ooze and expand. Plus, not itching constantly is a reward in itself. Because CBD topicals usually contain coconut oil, as well as essential and carrier oils, to moisturize your skin. Dry skin can cause itching, and as I’ve noted, itching can spread the condition, so skin that is moist is a better environment for healing a rash than dry and itchy.
Cold sores and CBD

A cold sore is not only prominent and unsightly, it hurts. A cold sore (a.k.a. fever blister) is really a lot of little blisters clumped together. These fluid-filled sacs usually occur on or around the mouth. The blisters pop and release fluid, which dries and forms a crust. Yep, right there front and center on your face. Beyond making you self-conscious, cold sores are contagious, itchy and sensitive or painful. Double whammy.
CBD is, once again, a good choice for treating cold sores for its healing properties as well as its ability to help avert future cold sores. The more immediate results are that CBD’s anti-inflammatory components help cool the blisters and relieve the dryness that keeps the cold sores cracking open and oozing. Smooth on CBD oil, lip balm or first-aid balm to kick-start healing and at the same time protect and moisturize the affected area.
Which conditions can CBD help?
Common conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, poison ivy, hives or athletes foot respond well to CBD topicals. So do acne, rosacea, scaly dry skin, dermatitis and cold sores. Plus, the itching from bug bites also abates when you apply CBD.
Apply the topical generously to the affected area. Massage until it is fully absorbed to help it go to work faster. You can safely apply CBD as often as necessary because there have been no reported side effects associated with the products. Just be sure what you are buying. I know, I sound like a broken record, but not all CBD products live up to their claims. Make sure you are getting a product that is infused with organic, high-quality CBD that doesn’t contain alcohol, or other impurities. Reputable companies will clearly state what is in their products as well as provide evidence of the purity and whether the CBD has been tested by a third-party lab. Do your homework and treat your hard-working skin with care.