What can CBD do for you?

For the past three years, I’ve written about CBD from the perspective of research, evidence of its value and benefits, and how to use it for maximum effect. But, this week, I’m going to let our customers tell you why they use CBD topicals. Since we started Lost Remedy in 2016, we’ve received a lot … Read more

Hemp’s fall from grace

Hemp was once widely grown in America. Heck, it was used all over the world, dating back to the Neolithic Age in China, for a multitude of products: paper, textiles, food, plastics, insulation, biofuel—the list is long. And then came reefer madness. Two factors converged to discredit hemp. The story goes that William Randolf Hearst, … Read more

Hemp oil for acne

I know, it sounds a bit counterintuitive to suggest using an oil to prevent or heal acne. But stick with me. Hemp oil is earning its chops as the go-to for cleansing and moisturizing skin that is prone to acne. First, CBD from hemp is comedogenic, which means it is unlikely to clog pores. A … Read more

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