CBD and diverticulitis

Stomach pain, gas, nausea, fever, constipation, diarrhea. We all have had these symptoms at one time or another. However, these can also be symptoms of diverticulitis. Especially if symptoms are ongoing, and you are over age 40. What is diverticulitis? Diverticulitis is a form of colitis—an inflammatory bowel disease. Small pouches can form in the … Read more

Environmentally friendly beauty products

You probably have heard that beauty products and cosmetics contain more than a couple harsh toxic chemicals. The fact that we put them on our skin is one thing. But, do you know what these products might be doing to the environment? Let’s break this down. First, even if the products you use say natural, … Read more

CBD in the news

Usually in this space I take a topic and run with it. Today, I thought I’d give you a taste of some news stories about CBD from hemp. At the end of the blog, I include a fairly clear infographic to give you an idea of what our society is missing out on by classifying … Read more

CBD and pain management

Pain. It’s, well, a pain. When it becomes chronic and intense, pain can take over and get in the way of even the most everyday activities. Hence, the opioid crisis. But, there have been studies that show CBD can help manage chronic pain. Researchers have noted that CBD seems to have a positive effect on … Read more

What can CBD do for you?

For several years, I’ve been a proponent of CBD in both topical and edible form. Why? Well, glad you asked. First, let me tell you what CBD is. It’s a cannabodiol derived from hemp. As an active compound, its medicinal benefits are legion, but unlike its cousin TCH, it is nonpsychoactive. Meaning you won’t get … Read more

Are CBD products effective?

OK, I know the verdict is still out on that question. The answer, also, depends on whom you ask. For people who will only try evidence-based treatments, the answer is no. Think FDA, government, you catch my drift. For many of the people who have tried it for various conditions, the answer is often yes. … Read more

A hemp tutorial

In this blog, you’ve read a lot about hemp and CBD. But, it occurred to me that I’ve never really explained what hemp is, and why it’s so valuable. So, here goes. First things first, hemp is not marijuana; it’s a distant cousin. Hemp is nonpsychoactive, which means you can’t get high when using it. … Read more

Benefits of hemp

Hemp was once widely grown in America. Heck, it was used all over the world, dating back to the Neolithic Age in China, for a multitude of products: paper, textiles, food, plastics, insulation, biofuel—the list is long. And then came reefer madness. Two factors converged to discredit hemp. The story goes that William Randolf Hearst, … Read more


No, I’m not wishing good health to someone who just sneezed. I’m telling you about a brick-and-mortar store in Bozeman, Mont., where you can purchase Lost Remedy products. Geshundheit! Nutrition Center. If you’re someone who doesn’t like to purchase products on the Internet, visit Jacobus. You may know him from his Saturday morning radio program, … Read more

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