CBD and autism

A recent study from a group of researchers in Israel backs up what parents of some children with autism already know: CBD helps calm their children. It also improves their ability to communicate and become more self-sufficient.  Because of the restrictions placed on CBD and medical cannabis in the United States, research is slow to … Read more

CBD oil and you

Without a doubt, you have probably heard about CBD oil and its healthful benefits. But maybe you need a bit more information. You may have questions such as: Where does it come from? What is it really? What does it do in my body? What are the benefits? Let’s take these one at a time. … Read more

The Nerve!

Nerve pain. It can take over your life physically and emotionally. But pain could be managed safely with CBD-infused products. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an option … Read more

CBD and antioxidants

In past blogs, I’ve noted that CBD has powerful antioxidant properties. But, I’m not sure we’ve delved into why that is important. You may already know that antioxidants can be found in foods such as blackberries, blueberries, leafy green veggies, etc. But even though antioxidants have recently received a lot of attention as being good … Read more

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