What to look for in safe CBD topicals

When you go to find a safe CBD topical, you may be blinded by the number of products. You’ll also need to look for the product that best addresses why you’re looking for CBD topicals. Armed with a bit of information, you can confidently find and choose products that fit your needs. Let’s start with … Read more

Lost Remedy offers CBD oil

Yes, you read that right. We are excited to give our customers a one-stop-shop for topicals and hemp-derived CBD oil.  As you know, our CBD topicals can be applied directly to an area of pain or discomfort. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it goes to work to soothe joint and muscle pain, arthritis, neuropathy, nerve pain … Read more

Frequently asked questions about CBD, part 1

If you have questions about CBD, we have answers. Here is round one of the questions people often ask us about at Lost Remedy? Still have questions? Let us know at www.lostremedy.com. 1.              What is CBD oil? CBD (cannabidiol) is one of more than 60 compounds belonging to a class of molecules called cannabinoids. CBD … Read more

CBD and diverticulitis

Stomach pain, gas, nausea, fever, constipation, diarrhea. We all have had these symptoms at one time or another. However, these can also be symptoms of diverticulitis. Especially if symptoms are ongoing, and you are over age 40. What is diverticulitis? Diverticulitis is a form of colitis—an inflammatory bowel disease. Small pouches can form in the … Read more

Could CBD help prevent stroke?

A leading cause of disability, stoke affects 795,000 people in the United States annually. About 140,000 die, making it the number five cause of death, according to statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and diabetes are considered leading causes of stroke with one in … Read more

The Nerve!

Nerve pain. It can take over your life physically and emotionally. But pain could be managed safely with CBD-infused products. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an option … Read more

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