Our Earth. Our home.

In light of recent activity involving the Paris climate agreement, I’d like to take this time to point out that we at Lost Remedy don’t regard taking care of our planet as a left- or right-leaning issue. We are committed to using the most eco-friendly resources, from product ingredients to earth-friendly packaging in creating and … Read more

Anxiety Relief?

Anxiety is something everyone deals with from time to time, and for various reasons. But, for some people, it occurs more frequently, and often seems to come out of nowhere for no reason. It’s thought that a low level of serotonin, a chemical in your body that helps regulate mental health, triggers anxiety in many … Read more

CBD and shingles

If you’ve had chicken pox, the varicella-zoster virus that caused it stays in your body. As you age, this nasty little bug can resurface as shingles. If you thought chicken pox was bad, shingles is the mother of all rashes with nasty symptoms that include headache, sensitivity to light, rashes, blistering, and trouble thinking clearly. … Read more

Powerful protection

A cancer diagnosis resulted in the inception of Lost Remedy’s signature product, the Burn Formula. As a Montana resident, where medical marijuana has been legal since 2004, Karen is no stranger to the medicinal properties of cannabis. For several years, she has supplied dispensaries with topical products and edibles for medical marijuana patients, never for … Read more

Dynamic duo: CBD and coconut oil

You may have noticed that we often combine CBD with coconut oil in our Lost Remedy products. There’s a good reason for that. Each on its own offers benefits to your health. Combined they rock. Because I’ve talked at length about the health benefits of CBD, I won’t go into great detail, but here’s a … Read more

CBD and diabetes

Several years ago, I ghost wrote a book about diabetes for a doctor who specialized in treating type 2 diabetes. There are apparently many ways to manage or even reverse this disease, which has become an epidemic in our society. So much of his advice is basic commonsense knowledge: eat healthful foods, exercise and drink … Read more

CBD and antioxidants

In past blogs, I’ve noted that CBD has powerful antioxidant properties. But, I’m not sure we’ve delved into why that is important. You may already know that antioxidants can be found in foods such as blackberries, blueberries, leafy green veggies, etc. But even though antioxidants have recently received a lot of attention as being good … Read more

Bits and pieces

Usually in this space, I pick a topic and stay with it. Not today. I’ve been reading reports about what is happening in the CBD, hemp, marijuana field, and it appears that there is a lot going on. Here is just a smattering of what I’ve found in the news on this topic.  One interesting … Read more

Research: The next frontier

In January, the National Academy of Sciences published a report on The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. The report was a compilation of thousands of studies, most done since 1999 and most done on humans, not mice. USA Today heralded the report with this understated headline, “Marijuana can help some patients, but doctors say … Read more


There’s a lot of news about PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. Often it goes hand-in-hand with having seen the ravages of war or being ravaged physically or emotionally. A bunch of research has showed that cannabis was being abused because of PTSD, until it wasn’t. New research shows that maybe users aren’t abusing cannabis but … Read more

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