Ease the pain of radiation treatment

Lost Remedy was more or less built on a product to prevent burning from radiation treatment for breast cancer. If you’ve read the introduction on our website, you know the story. But, I’ll give you a synopsis here, just in case you haven’t read it. In 2013, a breast cancer diagnosis kick-started the production of … Read more

If you build it, will they come?

You know how I like to go on and on about what a fabulous material hemp is and how with a foresight we could use it to shore up our environment and economy? Well I found two articles and two videos to stress my point. So, here I go again. Kentucky: Hemp Grown In Commonwealth … Read more

The Nerve!

Nerve pain. It can take over your life physically and emotionally. But pain could be managed safely with CBD-infused products. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an option … Read more

CBD to manage chronic pain?

Those who suffer from chronic pain often feel helpless and discouraged when trying to manage their pain. Anxiety, depression and sleeplessness become a way of life, adding to the pain. According to studies, CBD could be an alternative to dangerous medication that can be addicting. More research needs to be done, but researchers who have … Read more

Bits and Pieces

I know that I recently wrote a blog that featured news clips about hemp and CBD. I’m going to do it again. But first I want to tell you about a fascinating book I read recently. The title is “Lab Girl,” written by scientist Hope Jahren. Her thing is plants. In it she talked about … Read more

The Nerve!

Nerve pain. It can take over your life physically and emotionally. But pain could be managed safely with CBD-infused products. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an option … Read more

CBD in the news

Usually in this space I take a topic and run with it. Today, I thought I’d give you a taste of some news stories about CBD from hemp. Plus at the end I include a fairly clear infographic to give you an idea of the scope of what our society is missing out on by … Read more

Our Earth. Our home.

In light of recent activity involving the Paris climate agreement, I’d like to take this time to point out that we at Lost Remedy don’t regard taking care of our planet as a left- or right-leaning issue. We are committed to using the most eco-friendly resources, from product ingredients to earth-friendly packaging in creating and … Read more

Anxiety Relief?

Anxiety is something everyone deals with from time to time, and for various reasons. But, for some people, it occurs more frequently, and often seems to come out of nowhere for no reason. It’s thought that a low level of serotonin, a chemical in your body that helps regulate mental health, triggers anxiety in many … Read more

CBD and shingles

If you’ve had chicken pox, the varicella-zoster virus that caused it stays in your body. As you age, this nasty little bug can resurface as shingles. If you thought chicken pox was bad, shingles is the mother of all rashes with nasty symptoms that include headache, sensitivity to light, rashes, blistering, and trouble thinking clearly. … Read more

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