Could CBD help neuropathy?

Sometimes, and for various reasons, nerve cells become damaged, sending pain signals even if there isn’t a reason for pain. When that occurs, a person can feel constant pain, tingling, numbness, balance problems, temperature sensitivity, and discomfort or pain from touching objects. This condition is known as peripheral neuropathy. Although there are medications available for … Read more

What can CBD do for you?

For several years, I’ve been a proponent of CBD in both topical and edible form. Why? Well, glad you asked. First, let me tell you what CBD is. It’s a cannabodiol derived from hemp. As an active compound, its medicinal benefits are legion, but unlike its cousin TCH, it is nonpsychoactive. Meaning you won’t get … Read more

Have you seen these?

It’s been a while since I’ve given you bits and pieces of the hemp and CBD news that’s out there. Even though it isn’t top of mind for a lot of reporting agencies; there is news—and lots of it. I’ve selected some tidbits that I think you’ll find interesting. So, take look and see what’s … Read more

Are CBD products effective?

OK, I know the verdict is still out on that question. The answer, also, depends on whom you ask. For people who will only try evidence-based treatments, the answer is no. Think FDA, government, you catch my drift. For many of the people who have tried it for various conditions, the answer is often yes. … Read more

CBD beneficial, says FDA

The Food and Drug Administration is helping the United Nations figure out how to categorize cannabidiol (CBD). I’ve used this blog as a means to tout the benefits of CBD many times. Even have wondered whether the FDA would ever get on board to study the value. It seemed especially impossible in light of the … Read more

CBD, the anti-opioid

By now, you’ve probably heard that an opioid epidemic is growing in this country and is being called a crisis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “The majority of drug overdose deaths (more than six out of ten) involve an opioid.” The CDC goes on to say, “Since 1999, the amount … Read more

CBD and diet

I’ve mentioned before in this blog space that humans have active cannabinoid receptors in what’s called the endocannabinoid system. Located throughout the body and brain, they regulate appetite, mood, pain and memory. We strengthen these receptors when we introduce CBD-infused products, which help kick up our ability to process and use CBD for health benefits. … Read more

Experience a natural burn treatment ointment, from Lost Remedy

Powerful protection A cancer diagnosis resulted in the inception of Lost Remedy’s signature product, the Burn Formula. As a Montana resident, where medical marijuana has been legal since 2004, Karen is no stranger to the medicinal properties of cannabis. For several years, she has supplied dispensaries with topical products and edibles for medical marijuana patients, … Read more

A hemp tutorial

In this blog, you’ve read a lot about hemp and CBD. But, it occurred to me that I’ve never really explained what hemp is, and why it’s so valuable. So, here goes. First things first, hemp is not marijuana; it’s a distant cousin. Hemp is nonpsychoactive, which means you can’t get high when using it. … Read more

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