CBD and cholesterol

We’ve all heard about cholesterol—the good, the bad, and the ugly. But what is it really, and what levels are acceptable? Good questions. Let’s start with what it is. Cholesterol, a waxy substance found in the fats in your blood, isn’t necessarily bad. In fact, your body manufactures it to continue to build healthy cells. … Read more

Bits and pieces

Can we take a moment to talk about the elephant in the room? Last week Jeff Sessions rescinded the Cole Memo, which was put in place by President Obama. This memo protected states with legalized marijuana from federal prosecution. As has been mentioned before, CBD got tossed under the bus with cannabis in 2016 and … Read more

CBD and pain management

Pain. It’s, well, a pain. When it becomes chronic and intense, pain can take over and get in the way of even the most everyday activities. Hence, the opioid crisis. But, there have been studies that show CBD can help manage chronic pain. Researchers have noted that CBD seems to have a positive effect on … Read more

2018: Looking forward

I suppose it could be considered trite to say “what a year 2017 has been,” but I’m nothing if not trite. This has been a year. It was the best of years, it was the worst of years. OK, Dickens I’m not. I’m sure I could call out a litany of instances that made 2017 … Read more

2017 Top Report: The Health Effects of Cannabis

This report is on the best-seller list of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. The full title of the report is The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research. This surge in interest is kind of a big deal because it’s obvious people want accurate … Read more

5 reasons to use CBD-infused skin products

  If you’ve never used CBD-infused lotions or creams on your skin, you’re missing out. In the first place, CBD-infused products rarely contain the chemicals, parabens, artificial preservatives and other synthetic components that often can harm skin. Nope, what you get from Lost Remedy, are CBD, essential and carrier oils and purified water, all organically … Read more

Are you SAD? Try CBD.

Symptoms of SAD, or seasonal anxiety disorder, usually start to show up in fall with the waning of sunlight. It’s a seasonal depression that can start in autumn and last throughout the winter. It can be especially problematic during the dark, gray days so often associated with the season. Signs and symptoms of SAD may … Read more

What to look for in CBD topicals

Not all CBD topicals are created equal. Before we go any further, let’s be clear; we’re talking about products you apply to your body, not products you ingest. You should also know that just because a cream or ointment contains a high CBD content and an inflated price doesn’t mean it’s really, really good. You … Read more

Fibromyalgia pain. Can CBD help ease it?

Fibromyalgia is one of those chronic conditions that pretty much has everyone flummoxed. No one seems to know what causes it or how to treat it effectively. Oh, and there’s no cure. The symptoms can fluctuate in intensity, location and duration. Fatigue, sleep disturbances cognitive difficulties (memory problems or thinking clearly) and stiffness are the … Read more

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