CBD oil and you

Without a doubt, you have probably heard about CBD oil and its healthful benefits. But maybe you need a bit more information. You may have questions such as: Where does it come from? What is it really? What does it do in my body? What are the benefits? Let’s take these one at a time. … Read more

CBD and well-being

CBD has been shown to be beneficial for many conditions. But, what if you don’t have any specific condition and just want to stay healthy and keep illness at bay. Seems as though CBD for general wellness has become a trend, a wise one in my humble opinion. Here’s why. Let’s start with the basics. … Read more

Trustworthy CBD oil

Although I’ve written blogs about CBD in general and what to look for, I haven’t discussed Lost Remedy products specifically. Now seems like a good time to do that. Source of our CBD First and foremost, we walk our talk and use NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil in all of our topical formulas. NuLeaf CBD oil … Read more

CBD for autoimmune disease?

I talk a lot in this blog about the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. Inflammation is a really big deal. It can be helpful, but too much for too long and it becomes harmful. How so, you ask? The helpful part of inflammation looks like this. Let’s say you bump into something and the area that … Read more

DIY pampering with CBD

Usually in this blog I give you information about one condition or another and how CBD may be of benefit to those who have such conditions. Today, I thought I’d do something a bit different. I have found recipes that you can make to pamper your fine self, using natural products and CBD oil. Oh, … Read more

CBD health benefits for seniors

Time to get real in this blog. We all get older. But you knew that. With age, minor aches and pains can crop up; so can chronic health issues. Either way, seniors seem to have found, while not the fountain of youth, a way to curb some of the effects of aging. CBD. In fact … Read more

Eczema? Psoriasis? Rash? CBD topicals!

Our skin is one of our greatest protectors. It acts as a shield, warding off bacteria, germs and toxic substances. It also shields us from harmful ultraviolet rays by producing vitamin D. Skin could also be considered a thermostat, helping to maintain a consistent body temperature. Without skin, we’d be susceptible to any number of … Read more

Wound care with CBD

Treating wounds and skin conditions with CBD topicals has been done through the millennia. They come in the form of lotions, balms, creams, oils or salves that are applied directly to the injury. The definition of injury in conjunction with these products can be cuts; lacerations; burns; puncture wounds; surgery and malignant wounds; injured muscles; … Read more

CBD to get your Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-s

It’s past midnight. You’re wide awake and hoping—pleading—for one good night’s sleep. Instead, you toss and turn only to doze off toward morning, not long before the alarm goes off. Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve tried all the sleep hygiene tricks, regular exercise, no caffeine after a certain time of day, meditation, evening yoga—there’s a list—but … Read more

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