Migraines are more than just headaches; they can also include nausea, vomiting, changes in vision, and more. Migraines affect nearly 36 million individuals annually. If you are one of them, you know how debilitating a migraine can be.
Although they are common, little is known about the cause. A migraine can be triggered by bright light, sound, specific foods, or even jet lag. So although the triggers vary among individuals, the desire to rid oneself of the crushing pain is pretty universal.
Medications prescribed for migraines may work for some and not others. Or they might work sometimes and not others. But they also tend to come with adverse side effects that make a painful situation even more difficult.
CBD to the rescue?
Well, there may be some potential to help relieve some migraine symptoms, but the jury is still out simply due to lack of research. However, recently a couple of studies indicate there may be more than a little benefit in using CBD when migraines strike.
The November 2019 study published in The Journal of Pain showed a 50% decrease in pain for participants. A 2019 retrospective study published in Neurology “found that 88.3% of a sample of 279 patients reported an improvement in their headaches after using cannabis. More than half of the patients noted a reduction in headache frequency, and 38.3% found that their sleep improved. Fifty percent of those using opioid medications were able to reduce their use.”
The best part is that CBD often works better than traditional medication, has few if any side effects and is not habit-forming.
How does CBD work for migraines?
CBD acts in conjunction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) present in everyone, animals included. CB1 and CB2 receptors interact with naturally occurring cannabinoids to help maintain homeostasis, or balance in the body. When there is an imbalance in the ECS, the receptors don’t have anything to bind to and are unable to play their parts. Add CBD and the receptors are back in business.
It seems that CBD not only can help ease the effects of migraines, it can help prevent them. Why? Well here’s one theory. Hemp is high in omega 3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatories. So including hempseed or hemp oil in your diet may help prevent migraines. (The Omega 3 fatty acids in hempseed also support brain function, emotional health, and cardiovascular health.)

Today’s diet is woefully lacking in Omega 3, and must be supplemented, although it often isn’t. But a deficiency of these fatty acids could be a defining factor in the onset of migraines. The Omega fatty acids in hemp have the perfect ratio for human health and are an excellent supplement for your diet.
CBD has also been shown to reduce inflammation in the dura mater tissue protecting the brain. That inflammation along with inflammatory substances, can trigger a migraine. Plus, CBD is a pain reliever as well as an anti-emetic, which can prevent nausea and vomiting.
Should you try CBD?
That’s up to you. If you do, know what you are getting. Look for full-spectrum, high-quality, organic hemp-derived CBD that has extracted all the components of the hemp plant using C02 extraction.
The lack of side effects and the fact that it is not addictive is a giant plus—quite possibly making it worth a try.
Try https://homegrowncannabisco.com/marijuana-seeds/grandaddy-purple-regular-marijuana-seeds for quick relief to a migraine pain. Even the most stubborn migraines, and the most chronic ones would go away with this strain in a matter of minutes. Just ensure that you smoke more than 1 gram, I am assuming that you are an adult, and you get a good quality of this strain.