Is CBD a preventive medicine?

The definition for sickness according to Merriam-Webster is

1          a: ill health ILLNESS

b: a disordered, weakened, or unsound condition

2:         a specific disease

But it seems that food compromises good health for many in our country. Yep, poor diet causes nearly half of all U.S. deaths due to heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Now, there is no substitute for eating healthful foods, exercising regularly, sleeping well, not smoking, you get the idea. So, I’m not even going to go down that road with you. You know what to do.

How does CBD affect your health?

What I do want to talk about is how CBD may be beneficial in helping people maintain homeostasis, or balance, in their bodies in response to our environment. Think stress, pollution, injury, chemicals in our water and health and beauty products, etc. Sometimes, you may need a little help to maintain your health.

That’s where CBD comes in. CBD is a cannabinioid found in the cannabis sativa, or hemp, plant. As CBD has gained attention, it can be found in products ranging from topicals to oils to candies and other edibles.

High in antioxidants and essential vitamins, a daily dose of CBD may pick up the slack when your diet, exercise and adequate sleep fall short. Research has shown that specific antioxidants found in CBD are more powerful than vitamins E and C in maintaining body functions. Using it in serums and oil tinctures provides a wealth of disease-preventing characteristics.

It is also a known anti-inflammatory, which can relieve joint and muscle pain, or reduce the risk of inflammatory conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, nerve conditions, arthritis and more.

CBD to prevent illness

When illness or imbalance occurs, our endocannabinoid system or ECS, (yes, everyone has one) kicks in to try to rebalance. The ECS is made up of three main parts: cannabinoid receptors (C1 and CB2), compounds called endocannabinoids, and the enzymes that make and break down the endocannabinoids.

That’s where CBD comes in. CBD is a cannabinioid found in the cannabis sativa, or hemp, plant. As CBD has gained attention, it can be found in products ranging from topicals to oils to candies and other edibles.

High in antioxidants and essential vitamins, a daily dose of CBD may pick up the slack when your diet, exercise and adequate sleep fall short. Research has shown that specific antioxidants found in CBD are more powerful than vitamins E and C in maintaining body functions. Using it in serums and oil tinctures provides a wealth of disease-preventing characteristics.

It is also a known anti-inflammatory, which can relieve joint and muscle pain, or reduce the risk of inflammatory conditions, such as cancer, diabetes, nerve conditions, arthritis and more.

CBD to prevent illness

When illness or imbalance occurs, our endocannabinoid system or ECS, (yes, everyone has one) kicks in to try to rebalance. The ECS is made up of three main parts: cannabinoid receptors (C1 and CB2), compounds called endocannabinoids, and the enzymes that make and break down the endocannabinoids.

Dr. Bradley E. Alger, Harvard University experimental psychologist and one of the world’s leading CBD researchers, explains that the core of medicinal cannabinoid treatment lies at the chemical matrix between brain and body. He says, “… the endocannabinoids are literally a bridge between body and mind. By understanding [their function], we begin to see a mechanism that could connect brain activity and states of physical health and disease.”

When imbalance occurs, a little help from its friend CBD comes in handy. If you regularly use CBD to prevent illness, your CB1 and CB2 receptors can latch on to the preventive CBD and come to the aid of the ECS to help restore balance. It’s all so neat and tidy.

So in addition to a healthful lifestyle—you know what I’m talking about—a bit of CBD regularly could help keep you operating at peak performance.

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