This spring, my husband and I went to Florida. He rarely burns so he wasn’t worried about burning on vacation. However, given the breeze and different sun conditions on the beach, he burned severely on his shins to the point of fluid-filled blisters and lots of pain. He tried so many different things to help from various aloes, coconut oil and special ointments. When we got home, I remembered I had Lost Remedy Burn Formula in our linen closet and he said this was definitely the best of anything he tried at not only healing but soothing the pain. Needless to say, we went through a lot and will always keep it on hand now for ANY kind of burn! I also really love their lip balm. I’m one of those people that always has lip balm, and after reading about some bad ingredients in some more mainstream brands, I was glad to find this one that smells good, works great and doesn’t have the harmful additives.”