Find the real-deal CBD

In my last blog, I talked about getting to know your CBD topicals. Today, I’d like to address finding the real-deal CBD oil in your topicals. As you may already know, CBD, like essential oils, is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The market, flooded with CBD topicals, gummies, oil, etc., is … Read more

What to look for in CBD products

I’ve been writing about CBD and hemp now for more than two years, and I’ve learned a lot. You know that I am a strong proponent of CBD and hemp, and love reading and writing about it. But, it occurs to me that I’ve never really written about what to look for when buying oils, … Read more

Shopping for CBD

Recently, I read an article about contaminated CBD oil. It got me thinking about how people who are interested in CBD should approach buying products. CBD from hemp is not toxic, nor psychoactive. So becoming ill from CBD is probably because other substances have been introduced. During extraction of CBD, toxins can be introduced from … Read more

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