Hemp’s fall from grace

Hemp was once widely grown in America. Heck, it was used all over the world, dating back to the Neolithic Age in China, for a multitude of products: paper, textiles, food, plastics, insulation, biofuel—the list is long. And then came reefer madness. Two factors converged to discredit hemp. The story goes that William Randolf Hearst, … Read more

Could CBD help prevent stroke?

A leading cause of disability, stoke affects 795,000 people in the United States annually. About 140,000 die, making it the number five cause of death, according to statistics reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and diabetes are considered leading causes of stroke with one in … Read more

Have you seen these?

It’s been a while since I’ve given you bits and pieces of the hemp and CBD news that’s out there. Even though it isn’t top of mind for a lot of reporting agencies; there is news—and lots of it. I’ve selected some tidbits that I think you’ll find interesting. So, take look and see what’s … Read more

The Nerve!

Nerve pain. It can take over your life physically and emotionally. But pain could be managed safely with CBD-infused products. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an option … Read more

Hemp: Versatile flora

I don’t mind beating this business of hemp’s value into the ground. In fact, to prove my point, here is yet another infographic that will show you how much value can be derived from one plant.

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