Fibromyalgia pain. Can CBD help ease it?

Fibromyalgia is one of those chronic conditions that pretty much has everyone flummoxed. No one seems to know what causes it or how to treat it effectively. Oh, and there’s no cure. The symptoms can fluctuate in intensity, location and duration. Fatigue, sleep disturbances cognitive difficulties (memory problems or thinking clearly) and stiffness are the … Read more

Dynamic duo: CBD and coconut oil

You may have noticed that we often combine CBD with coconut oil in our Lost Remedy products. There’s a good reason for that. Each on its own offers benefits to your health. Combined they rock. Because I’ve talked at length about the health benefits of CBD, I won’t go into great detail, but here’s a … Read more

CBD to the rescue. Again.

Symptoms of headaches, hives or heartburn after consuming certain foods or beverages seem to point to allergies. That’s one possibility. But, a little-recognized culprit may be the cause—histamine. If it feels like an allergy, looks like an allergy, but doesn’t respond to allergy treatment, it might be histamine intolerance. Many doctors and nutritionists have never … Read more

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