Use CBD topicals for pain

There are a lot of reasons it fell out of favor, mainly political. But as hemp and marijuana come back into favor, all of that weirdness and hype has started to change. Largely, the change is due to evidence, – some scientific, some anecdotal – that pain and other conditions can be relieved with CBD … Read more

The science behind CBD for pain

You know, there is actual science behind CBD for pain. In fact, there is a book by renowned CBD scientists, CBD: what does the science say, offers plenty of evidence-based information about how and why CBD works to relieve pain. Scientists suggest there is promising research on using CBD to help people with unmanageable pain … Read more

CBD topicals to manage pain

Did you know you can use CBD topicals to manage pain?Maybe you’re an avid athlete or even a weekend athlete. Or not an athlete at all. When you physically overdo or change your routine, chances are you’ve felt the sting of using your body in ways you’re not accustomed to. There’s good news, you can … Read more

CBD, seniors and pain

What do CBD, seniors and pain have in common? Pain is generally caused by inflammation of some kind. Seniors often have aches and pains that are the result of inflammation. OK, that might seem like a stretch, but stick with me. Do you wonder if getting older means looking forward to hurting? I can’t answer … Read more

CBD topicals for joint and muscle pain

If you experience joint and muscle pain, would CBD topicals help? CBD’s track record in relieving pain is promising. Plus, using a topical cream gives you the added benefit of hydrating and nourishing your skin. But for purposes of this blog, let’s just focus on its benefits for joint and muscle pain. CBD for pain … Read more

Trustworthy CBD oil

Although I’ve written blogs about CBD in general and what to look for, I haven’t discussed Lost Remedy products specifically. Now seems like a good time to do that. Source of our CBD First and foremost, we walk our talk and use NuLeaf Naturals CBD oil in all of our topical formulas. NuLeaf CBD oil … Read more

CBD for sciatic pain?

Sciatica isn’t just your ordinary low-back pain. If you’ve had it you know that. If you haven’t, I hope you never need to deal with it. What is sciatica? The sciatic nerve runs through your body starting in the lower back and moving down the hips and buttocks through the back of your leg. This … Read more

Life-changing CBD for nerve pain

Nerve pain. It can take over your life physically and emotionally. But that pain could be managed safely with CBD-infused products. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an … Read more

Remind me. Why is CBD a Schedule 1 narcotic?

Recently I ran across an article by a 26-year-old lamenting the insanity of classifying CBD as a schedule 1 narcotic or having no medical value and high potential for abuse. Huh? Now I know I’m preaching to the choir, but bear with me. This gal was suddenly stopped by numbness in her hand. Her livelihood … Read more

CBD for wounds? Absolutely.

Treating wounds and skin conditions with CBD topicals has been done through the millennia. They come in the form of lotions, balms, creams, oils or salves that are applied directly to the injury. The definition of injury in conjunction with these products can be cuts; lacerations; burns; puncture wounds; surgery and malignant wounds; injured muscles; … Read more

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