CBD for epilepsy

It’s heartbreaking to watch anyone with a seizure disorder try to maintain a normal existence when that person never knows if or when a seizure will hit. It seems even more difficult to watch when that person is a child. Well, there is some good news, although it’s been a long time coming. The U.S. … Read more

The Nerve!

Nerve pain. It can take over your life physically and emotionally. But pain could be managed safely with CBD-infused products. Opioids, the most common product prescribed for chronic pain, has a whole raft of problems, not the least of which is addiction and potential death. Not exactly a comforting option. CBD products are an option … Read more

Bits and Pieces

I know that I recently wrote a blog that featured news clips about hemp and CBD. I’m going to do it again. But first I want to tell you about a fascinating book I read recently. The title is “Lab Girl,” written by scientist Hope Jahren. Her thing is plants. In it she talked about … Read more

Dynamic duo: CBD and coconut oil

You may have noticed that we often combine CBD with coconut oil in our Lost Remedy products. There’s a good reason for that. Each on its own offers benefits to your health. Combined they rock. Because I’ve talked at length about the health benefits of CBD, I won’t go into great detail, but here’s a … Read more

CBD and diabetes

Several years ago, I ghost wrote a book about diabetes for a doctor who specialized in treating type 2 diabetes. There are apparently many ways to manage or even reverse this disease, which has become an epidemic in our society. So much of his advice is basic commonsense knowledge: eat healthful foods, exercise and drink … Read more

CBD and antioxidants

In past blogs, I’ve noted that CBD has powerful antioxidant properties. But, I’m not sure we’ve delved into why that is important. You may already know that antioxidants can be found in foods such as blackberries, blueberries, leafy green veggies, etc. But even though antioxidants have recently received a lot of attention as being good … Read more

Research: The next frontier

In January, the National Academy of Sciences published a report on The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids. The report was a compilation of thousands of studies, most done since 1999 and most done on humans, not mice. USA Today heralded the report with this understated headline, “Marijuana can help some patients, but doctors say … Read more

Clean energy: hemp

I have touted the benefits of hemp in this blog more than a time or two. And I’m going to do it again. So, bear with me. On my way home from work today, I was listening to a public radio show about climate change, which interestingly coincided with the president’s decision to cut funding … Read more

Things that make you go Hmmmm

As I mentioned in the last blog, more and more people are finding ways that CBD products have eased or eliminated health problems. The pool of anecdotal evidence is growing every day. Stories of children whose seizures are cut way back. Reports of cancer patients being relieved of some symptoms and in some cases CBD … Read more

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