CBD for anxiety, naturally

A couple weeks ago, I told you about a recall of Zantac for the presence of potential cancer-causing chemicals. Well, here we go again. This time, Xanax is being recalled because of a potential substance that could cause infection. Now, it’s just one batch, but still, wouldn’t it be nice to use something that was … Read more

CBD for athletic fitness

Earlier this month, USA Triathlon sealed a deal to partner with a Colorado CBD manufacturer. This was big news on the Olympic front for many reasons. But athletes know what many other people are learning. CBD is a great tool for athletic training and recovery. Athletes such as women’s soccer great Megan Rapinoe and former … Read more

Seniors and CBD

CBD for senior citizens is a natural. Here’s why. Adults over age 50 comprise a sizeable portion of the American demographic. They have plenty of aches and pains, because aging can do that to you. Plus, many of these baby boomers were around in the ’60s and are a bit more apt to experiment with … Read more

CBD and gut health

Like most people, you probably take digestion for granted. Until something goes wrong. But, did you know that digestion is a good indicator of overall health? Well-known in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, it’s becoming more apparent to Western medicine that digestion is often a harbinger of other conditions that might be lurking. But … Read more

CBD and fragrance

A couple weeks ago, a friend asked me why Lost Remedy doesn’t use fragrance in our topicals. I told her the chemicals in fragrance are toxic to our bodies and the environment. She agreed, but said what about essential oils. Aha, I thought, a potential blog. Let’s take a look at how we combine CBD, … Read more

CBD and sleep

Have you ever found yourself tossing and turning at night, unable to calm your mind and just fall asleep? If you have, then you struggle with an issue that many people do – and it is a struggle. In today’s age, we are constantly bombarded with stimuli that keep our brains wired, like 24/7 streaming … Read more

Can CBD complicate cancer treatment?

Last week, I wrote about how CBD can help during cancer treatment. Today, I want to focus on when CBD may not be beneficial during cancer treatment. But first, we need to cover some basics in case you missed last week’s blog. CBD, or cannabidiol is a cannabinoid, one of many found in the hemp … Read more

CBD for chemo side effects

People diagnosed with cancer usually face an array of treatment options. Chemotherapy is often used post-surgery along with radiation therapy. Depending on the stage or severity of the diagnosis, chemo may be a useful tool to help prolong life, but it can also come with unpleasant and difficult side effects. There may be ways to … Read more

CBD and the flu

With the advent of fall comes the flu shot lectures. Do flu shots really do any good? I don’t know. Seems evidence suggests they do according to some, but I’ve never gotten one (and don’t intend to), so I don’t have first-hand experience. Plus, I’m not here to discuss flu shots. I’d like to look … Read more

CBD for anxiety?

Anxiety happens. To everyone at some point. But, when it’s always lurking, or gets worse and messes with daily life, that’s a different story completely. Anxiety is actually pretty common, according to the World Health Organization, which states that nearly 264 million people worldwide suffered an anxiety disorder in 2017. Anxiety disorders range from a … Read more

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