Best way to use CBD topicals

I’ve talked about when to use CBD, but today I want to talk about how to use CBD topicals. It seems clear enough. But there is a bit more to using CBD topicals than meets the eye.

Last week I looked at what conditions CBD topicals can benefit. If you missed it, here’s the short list.

  • Acne
  • Pain
  • Bacterial infections
  • Eczema, psoriasis, rash
  • Itchy bug bites or poison ivy
  • Inflammatory skin conditions
  • Joint pain (arthritis)
  • Burns

How to use CBD topicals

Using CBD topicals is a good way to get its benefits without consuming it. Plus, applying it to the skin gets to where you need it faster. Why? Consuming CBD carries it through the liver and digestive system before it gets where it needs to go. That can take hours. CBD topicals get to the heart of the matter within minutes of applying.

One other benefit is that CBD topicals from hemp is not psychoactive, so you won’t get high. But before we move on, I’m going to remind you about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) present in our bodies and within the layers of skin. This ECS maintains balance throughout our bodies. CB receptors are the guardians that kick into gear to help create balance when the ECS signals a problem.

How to use CBD topicals for pain

One of the main reasons people use topicals is to relieve pain. CBD topicals come in several forms and each has its specific pain target, muscle pain, joint pain, head pain, neck pain, you get the picture. So, first you need to address the pain. Is this headache from a tension in the neck or shoulders? Is the hip pain from overexertion or arthritis? Is the paint in my legs from cramps or running?

Once you have a good idea, choose your product well, because you know my mantra: not all CBD is created equal. Creams are easy to apply and smooth into the skin. Salves are thicker and require more massaging into the skin to create heat that opens pores and distributes it to the affected area.

You always want to clean the area first. Then apply generously. Remember CBD from hemp isn’t psychoactive, so don’t be afraid to apply enough. But, then again, don’t overdo. Moderation in all things, right?

How to use CBD topicals for burns

Burns come in many forms and in several degrees. Sunburn, the burn you get from something hot, or burns from radiation treatment can all benefit from a CBD topical. The reason for that is that CBD is a known anti-inflammatory. In addition to relieving inflammation CBD has the potential to sterilize the burn site because of its antibacterial properties.

In the case of first- and second-degree burns, (third-degree burns need immediate medical attention) apply CBD topicals as soon as possible to the area, cleaning the area first. According to the research, you should feel relief from the pain quickly and protect the burn from being infected.

In the case of radiation treatment, the best results occur when you use the cream as soon as possible after each radiation treatment. Modern radiation is specific and targeted. So, make sure you know the area being targeted. It’s okay to spread the cream beyond the targeted area to ensure adequate coverage. You can also do a second application if desired. Just make sure that the area to be radiated is completely clean and free of any residue prior to treatment.

How to CBD topicals for anti-aging

CBD beauty products come in the form of lotions, creams and balms. If you’ve never used CBD-infused lotions or creams on your skin, you’re missing out. In the first place, CBD products rarely contain the chemicals, parabens, artificial preservatives and other synthetic components that often can harm skin. It also can protect skin from free radicals that can damage, and age your skin. Pollution, smoking and pesticides are some external forces that produce free radicals. Use daily to hydrate and protect your skin.

Individuals who want to preserve a youthful appearance will be pleasantly surprised by CBD-infused products. The natural ingredients not only help prevent the visible signs of aging, they’re a natural protection from damaging UV rays—an SPF equivalent of 6. Unlike other chemically produced SPF products, CBD allows the absorption of vitamin D, vital to so many of your body’s systems.

In the case of acne, the bane of any teen’s existence, it also plagues many adults. Caused by overproduction of oils called lipids, acne responds to CBD because it inhibits lipid production to prevent or help treat acne. Anti-inflammatory properties help control the redness that accompanies pimples, which are essentially infections. Finally, its antibacterial properties treat the infection and fend off acne’s return.

So, now that you know how to use CBD topicals, be kind to your skin. Use products that fortify and nourish it. Your whole body will thank you.



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