Have you seen these?

It’s been a while since I’ve given you bits and pieces of the hemp and CBD news that’s out there. Even though it isn’t top of mind for a lot of reporting agencies; there is news—and lots of it. I’ve selected some tidbits that I think you’ll find interesting. So, take look and see what’s happening in the world of CBD and hemp.

Washington research explores possibilities of hemp

With the passage of Washington State Senate Bill 6206, the door was opened to plant industrial hemp for the first time in 90 years. CBD, a derivative of hemp oil, is considered among other things, beneficial to treat certain medical conditions. But, hemp is a versatile, if not controversial, plant and there is much more research going on. Mostly the research centers around how viable hemp is for the state of Washington. Read more.

West Virginia growers praise hemp; research continues

Two years ago, the state gave the go-ahead to universities to grow hemp for research. Participating in the program were Virginia State University, James Madison University, the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech, which have signed agreements with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences to conduct research through this year.

Although in the early stages of research, the results are wide and promising. Read more.

Why use CBD topicals?

If you’re interested in the benefits of using topical CBD products, this article makes a pretty substantial case for how and why these products are a great choice. Yes, CBD has properties that make it anti-inflammatory, anti-seizure and anti-tumor when ingested, but there is so much that it can do when applied topically. Read more.

As a side note, the topicals are usually free of the chemicals and stabilizers that often are found in other health and beauty products. Those chemicals and stabilizers have been found to be harmful, so CBD topicals are a winner in my mind.

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