Today, let’s discuss why CBD topicals are eco-friendly.Climate change is real, despite claims by some that it’s a hoax. A U.N. climate panel has issued dire forecasts for global warming. It’s spiraling out of control. As a result, we can probably look forward to even worse weather extremes, such as deadly droughts, massive hurricanes and others for decades or centuries to come.
“Humans are unequivocally to blame,” the report from the scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said. “Rapid action to cut greenhouse gas emissions could limit some impacts, but others are now locked in.”
Because this blog is focused on CBD, I would like to talk about how CBD can have a positive effect on the environment. To begin, I’ll tell you that all Lost Remedy products are made with the highest-quality, domestically grown, organic hemp-CBD oil, and essential and carrier oils. There are no harmful chemicals or toxins that you’ll often find in most topical products.
Heroic hemp
Choosing CBD topicals is an investment in eco-friendly products. Industrial hemp can actually help with sustainability because:
- It requires less water than other plants.
- It’s resistant to diseases and insects, so no pesticides are needed.
- It absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees.
- It removes toxins from the soil.
Besides providing CBD oil, hemp is a source of food. It’s prolific and can survive without chemical pesticides mucking up the environment. From this food source comes hefty amounts of heart healthful Omega-3 and -6. Hemp seeds can be used to make butter, jazz up a salad with nutrition and flavor, and many other things. If you’ve read any of these blogs, you’ve learned about many health benefits derived from hemp, the source of CBD.
Losing hemp’s industrial potential has been an economic shame. According to an article in Forbes, hemp could be a boon for the economy and the environment. It’s versatile and can be used to produce textiles, paper, biofuel and more. In fact, the fiber is stronger than cotton, softer and lasts longer. It uses less water and grows almost anywhere. Fiberboard, lighter and stronger than wood, is another byproduct of hemp. Plus, trees take years to grow. Hemp not so much, so sustainability is not a problem. We’re missing out on a boatload of products that could be produced from this one plant more ecologically and economically effectively.
Eco-friendly CBD topicals
Now that you know hemp’s potential for sustainability, let’s look at why CBD topicals are a good, sustainable choice. Even if the products you use say natural, be skeptical. Companies can add a couple natural ingredients and call the product natural. If you’re going for natural, don’t be duped. Demand all-natural beauty products. Read the ingredient list that by law all companies must itemize. Usually, this list runs in descending order, meaning first on the list is the most prevalent in the product. The last on the list, the least.
Take a look at what you use to moisturize your face. Now compare it with Lost Remedy Renewal products. Go ahead. I’ll wait. Did you see any of these in the products you use? P-phenylenediamine; BHA or BHT; dibutyl phthalate, or DBP; triclocan; diethanolamine, or DEA? Any of those in the Lost Remedy products? Based on your comparison, I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.
Or maybe you purchase a high-priced cream that you believe will ease some of your nerve pain. The product has a LOT of CBD, so it must be good, right? Not necessarily. Let’s look at the list of ingredients: mineral oil, cetyl alcohol, propylene glycol, glycerin, carbormer, methaltaraben triethandamine, trotylene glycol, parabens—OK, are you getting the picture? What you don’t see in this list are carrier oils, such as almond, grapeseed or vitamin E; or essential oils, such as chamomile, yarrow, basil, etc., which provide the healing benefits.
When you wash off the residue of CBD topicals, you aren’t putting residual chemicals and toxins into our water. With other products that’s exactly where the residue goes, our lakes, rivers, etc.
Why to use eco-friendly CBD topicals
An article in Forbes, based on a study led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), talks about how the chemicals used in health and beauty products affect our air quality. We have blamed smog and poor air quality on vehicles for decades. But, as engines burn cleaner, a new culprit has surfaced. Yep, products we use on our bodies.
How? Well according to NOAA scientist Jessica Gilman, “Volatile chemical products used in common solvents and personal care products are literally designed to evaporate. You wear perfume or use scented products so that you or your neighbor can enjoy the aroma.”
It’s estimated that 40 percent of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds from cosmetics, soaps and paints disperse into the air where they react in the atmosphere to form the harmful pollutants. Wonder what effect they have on our skin if they are that bad for the environment? Herein lies a big reason we at Lost Remedy keep our products fragrance-free, petroleum-free, and chemical-free.
CBD topicals go beyond skin deep
In fact, little CB1 and CB2 receptors all over our bodies rush to absorb the nourishing CBD oil that pumps up the healing benefits. Topicals are wonderful for so many reasons. Let me tell you some of ways.
- Nonpsychoative, so no high
- Can relieve pain, anxiety and depression
- No harmful chemicals or toxins
- Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
- Rich in vitamin D, which also has tons of healthful cred
- Contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and fatty acids that encourage skin health
- Protects skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays and environmental pollutants
- Helps treat psoriasis, dermatitis, headaches and cramping
- Can relieve arthritis, neuropathy, sciatica and others
- Few if any side effects
This is not a comprehensive list. I could go on, but I’ll stop here and let you make your own decision about what you put on your body and into the environment.