Earth-friendly CBD

Happy Earth Day. What does Earth-friendly CBD have to do with Earth Day? Well other than being clean and natural, a lot. Let’s look at the history of Earth Day for context and see how hemp-derived CBD fits into an earth-friendly category.

Concern for the environment isn’t new. Rachel Carson’s 1962 environmental science classic Silent Spring  helped spawn Earth Day with its expose of what pesticides were doing to our environment. April 22, 1970, marked the first Earth Day celebration at the prodding of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. Senator Nelson urged students to champion the environment by opposing its degradation.

Earth Day, however, wasn’t the first conservation effort.  The Evolution of the Conservation Movement, 1850-1920, was all about preserving the natural world. In fact, it was instrumental in designating Mt. RainierYosemiteAcadia and the Grand Canyon as national parks, and it helped create the National Park Service.

It seems that even with the awareness of caring for the environment, however, we see daily evidence that there’s a lot more work to do.

Pollution run amok

Throughout the 1960s, factories and industries recklessly spewed pollution into the air and water without repercussions. Senator Nelson decided to change that by raising public awareness of the dirty air and water plaguing our country. In 1969, he invited Americans to get climate and pollution issues out in the open and on a political agenda. As a result, on December 2, 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency became a national fixture. Earth Day has continued for more than 50 years.

So what does all that information have to do with celebrating Earth Day with CBD topicals? Hemp, actually. Hemp was once widely grown in America. Heck, it was used all over the world, dating back to the Neolithic Age in China

History states, “ When Virginia was colonized by Europeans starting in 1607, England needed hemp fiber for sails and rope. To increase the supply, in 1632 the General Assembly passed a law requiring every planter to grow hemp.”

CBD, an earth-friendly crop

Then, for political reasons hemp fell out of favor, and here we are trying to resurrect its image of a healthy, beneficial and therapeutic plant.

As it receded from our agriculture, so did the knowledge of its benefits. As a source of food, it’s prolific and can survive without chemical pesticides mucking up the environment. (Did you know it even kills the weeds that try to grow around it?) From this food source comes hefty amounts of heart healthful Omega-3 and -6. Hemp seeds can be used to make butter, jazz up a salad with nutrition and flavor and much more. If you’ve read any of these blogs, you’ve learned about many health benefits derived from hemp, our source of CBD.

Lost Remedy cares for the Earth by sourcing Earth Day image without using harmful herbicides, pesticides or growth enhancers. We also choose products produced with CO2 extraction. It’s the most expensive extraction method, but by far the safest.

Many of the commercial beauty and skin products we use are not regulated by the FDA. As a result, they are a toxic soup with which we unknowingly pollute our planet. Our cosmetics alone pollute our air as much as automobile emissions. The culprit? Scent. These emissions interact with particles in the air to produce harmful ozone and pollution known as PM2.5, which is bad for our lungs. 

CBD topicals for Mother Earth

The key ingredient in cosmetics, palm oil, is also killing off forests and wildlife. Palm oil itself isn’t bad. But, forests have been razed to make room for unsustainably grown palm oil plantations. Along with destroying the natural forests, animals are also cut loose with nowhere to go.

The chemicals in cosmetics eventually get washed off and end up in our water. Lotions, sunscreen, creams and shampoos often contain parabens and triclosan. Both are identified as endocrine disrupters, which can lead to cancer. In addition, because of these toxins, coral reefs, called one of the most valuable ecosystems on Earth, are dying. In addition, globally warming oceans have caused coral reefs to bleach, further degrading this valuable natural resource.

If climate change is to be slowed, we all must get involved. Using earth-friendly health and beauty products is one of many ways individuals can make a difference. Our topicals are made with CBD, carrier and essential oils. All derived from nature and when washed off, don’t add chemicals and toxins to our water or air.

This Earth Day, honor your Mother Earth by choosing CBD topicals that are free of chemicals and toxins.



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