Cannabinoid tutorial

This cannabinoid tutorial can give you a different perspective on the hemp-derived CBD products Lost Remedy produces. To begin, there are three classes of cannabinoids: endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids. We produce endocannabinoids in our bodies, plants create phytocannabinoids, and synthetic cannabinoids are manufactured artificially. 

A lot has been printed about the cannabinoid CBD, but it’s only one cannabinoid found in full-spectrum hemp oil (FSHO). The main components of hemp, a member of the cannabis sativa family, are phytocannabinoids. And there are hundreds of them.

The most popular cannabinoid by far is CBD, which interacts with CB receptors to achieve certain physical effects. But, CBD is not the full deal. It needs the others to synergistically provide a more effective result. Working in concert with cannabinoids, terpenes in hemp produce various characteristics, which create the entourage effect. In essence, it means that together the sum is greater than its parts.

But first let’s look at why cannabinoids can produce a positive effect in the human body. I’ve talked many times about how our bodies are already equipped with an endocannabinoid system (ECS). But what is that really? Well, according to the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, “The endogenous cannabinoid system – named for the plant that led to its discovery – is one of the most important physiologic systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health.”

Ethan Russo, MD, medical director, PHYTECHS, “There is hardly any physiological process that is not affected by it to some degree.”

Cannabinoid guide infographicSo, we can bolster the ECS by using cannabinoid products. For the purposes of this blog, let’s look at the four main cannabinoids in hemp: CBD, CBC, CBG and CBN.

CBD (cannabidiol)

CBD, the darling of cannabinoids, is the most prominent and recognized cannlabinoid. It’s nonpsychoactive and has few if any side effects. CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic properties, so is often associated with pain relief. It doesn’t actually bind with the CB receptors in the ECS. Instead it inhibits the enzymes that dissolve endocannabinoids, keeping the ECS running smoothly. Research suggests it may help with pain, inflammation, anxiety and seizure disorders as well as improve skin health.

CBC (Cannabichromene)

Although research for CBC is in its infancy, it already shows potential of being a rising star. Research indicates it’s:

  • An anti-inflammatory
  • Antinociceptive (pain reduction associated with nerve damage)
  • A potential relief for depression
  • Analgesic (pain reliever)
  • Neuroprotective
  • Antibacterial and antifungal
  • A potential migraine treatment
  • A potential acne treatment

CBG (cannabigerol)

Although there is less CBG than CBD in FSHO, CBG is no less a powerhouse. Remember, it’s working together that makes the effect more powerful than each part working alone. CBG, also a cannabinoid, is found in the hemp plant. However, it appears to be the progenitor of CBD and THC. Let me explain. As hemp grows, the first thing produced is CBGA or cannabigerolic acid. It seems CBGA is a bit of a shape shifter, able to transform into THCA, CBDA or CBGA when acted upon by enzymes in hemp. Heat and ultraviolet light (think sunshine) can change them to THC, CBD or CBG. Now, THC and CBD have been more widely studied in the past. CBG, on the other hand is just recently being studied for its therapeutic properties.

Initial research has been done in the following areas:

  • Analgesic – for pain
  • Antibacterial – to fight bacterial growth
  • Anticonvulsive – to treat seizures and convulsions
  • Anti-inflammatory – to reduce inflammation
  • Anti-insomnia – to improve sleep
  • Antiproliferative – to inhibit growth of cancer cells
  • Antidepressant – to boost mood
  • Bone stimulant – to encourage bone growth
  • Appetite stimulant – to increase appetite
  • Brain cell stimulant – to encourage growth of brain cells

CBN (cannabinol)

As hemp ages and is exposed to heat and air, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component of cannabis, oxidizes to become CBN. It binds primarily with CB2 receptors in the ECS but also interacts with CB1 receptors. CBN has sedative properties, so it acts as a relaxant. If you have sleep issues, CBN could be your ticket to sleeping soundly. Studies on CBN are few, but like other cannabinoids, it appears to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve joint and muscle pain. It also seems to be a star in fighting bacteria.

So, there you have it, a cannabinoid tutorial. The cannabis plant is complex, with multiple components that have different effects on people. There’s so much to learn about cannabinoids and we have a long way to go to discover their full potential. Research is ongoing and scientists will no doubt discover much more about cannabinoids and how they affect different conditions or issues. But remember, they do what they do without getting you high and have few, if any, side effects.


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