Have you considered CBD topicals for skin health? Well maybe you want to read on to learn more. You see, ancient Chinese medicine used CBD topical creams, ointments, oils, salves and more to heal and preserve skin. Chinese physicians used them to treat skin issues such as burns, wounds, skin ulcers and fungal infections to name a few.
After lagging behind for millennia, Western medicine is finally getting around to studying the benefits and side effects of CBD topicals for skin health. Research is being done, but currently there is more anecdotal evidence of benefits. However, few if any side effects have been confirmed. Furthermore, CBD topicals made from hemp will not get you high. Using CBD topicals for skin health is a safe, natural way to soothe and heal. Here’s why.
Endocannabinoid system and skin
I’ve written this before, but it bears repeating. We all have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). Discovered in the 1980s, the ECS has since shown to help maintain bodily balance, or homeostasis. Researchers found that The ECS comprises three main components:
- Signaling molecules called endocannabinoids
- CB receptors
- Enzymes that synthesize and breakdown endocannabinoids and their transporters
National Institutes of Health recent research, “has indicated the critical role of the ECS in maintaining skin homeostasis and barrier function, and its dysregulation has been implicated in various skin disorders like atopic dermatitis, itch, acne, hair growth/loss, and hyper/hypopigmentation.”
In layman terms, CBD topicals applied directly to skin interact with CB2 receptors to provide localized anti-inflammatory support. Research indicates that CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties help alleviate symptoms of skin disorders and rashes. In fact, The American Academy of Dermatology says, “The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD may aid treatment for acne, psoriasis and eczema.”
CBD topicals promote skin health
Topicals made with full-spectrum hemp oil (FSHO) offer the most benefits. That is due, in large part, to the entourage effect. Entourage effect is when every component of the hemp oil works in synergy to provide what the body needs to heal with few, if any, side effects.
Tina Alster, M.D., clinical professor of dermatology at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC., says that in addition to being safe and easy to use, “Anti-inflammatory properties associated with CBD are beneficial in treating such dermatologic conditions as acne, psoriasis and eczema due to reduction of dryness, irritation and redness. CBD-containing creams, oils, gels and serums not only moisturize and soothe the skin but are also showing encouraging results in relieving pain caused by certain skin disorders.”
Doctors generally prescribe corticosteroids for these kinds of skin conditions. But the medication can potentially cause side effects. So, if a CBD topical can benefit skin without side effects, it seems like a no brainer to use that instead.
What are eczema and psoriasis?
Eczema, also called a topic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition, meaning it’s been around for a while. It causes dry, flaky, itchy skin. Although the cause of eczema isn’t known, it tends to run in families. It also seems linked to asthma and allergies known as immune hypersensitivity disorders.
In adults, eczema appears most often on hands, feet, back of the knees and elbows. Although symptoms vary by individual, common symptoms include:
- Itching, which may be mild or severe
- Dry, scaly skin patches
- Small bumps that open and ooze (weep) a clear fluid when scratched
- Skin redness and swelling
- Skin thickening (with chronic eczema)
- Scratch marks on the skin
Too much rubbing and scratching can tear the skin and lead to infection.
Psoriasis, similar to eczema, is a chronic skin condition that causes dry, flaky, itchy skin. However, this conditions seems to run in cycles. Sometimes it flares, then recedes. Common signs and symptoms include:
Red patches of skin covered with thick, silvery scales
- Small scaling spots (commonly seen in children)
- Dry, cracked skin that may bleed or itch
- Itching, burning or soreness
- Thickened, pitted or ridged nails
- Swollen and stiff joints
How to use CBD topicals for skin
CBD topicals differ from ingested or vaped products. Instead of traveling through the lungs or digestive system to get to the bloodstream, they penetrate the skin, providing relief in minutes, not hours. As you apply topicals, the friction caused by rubbing the product thoroughly opens the pores, helping to transfer CBD to the affected area. For individuals with pain or a condition in more than one area of the body, these kinds of products can often provide relief on more than one location at a time.
In the instance of rashes, such as eczema and psoriasis, CBD topicals moisturize and relieve dryness. Plus, topicals add essential vitamins and fatty acids to the skin that help promote elasticity and ward off infection. Using CBD for these conditions is especially beneficial and here’s why.
It’s an anti-inflammatory and an antimicrobial. Rashes are essentially an inflammation. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can relieve the intensity of the inflammation and soothe the itch. But it also interacts with the ECS to promote healing.
Finally, as I’ve mentioned before, topicals are portable and easy to use. Plus, you can apply them as often as necessary without side effects. As always, however; I caution you to make sure you’re getting a product that is infused with organic, high-quality CBD that doesn’t contain alcohol or other impurities. Reputable companies will clearly state what’s in their products as well as provide evidence of the purity and whether the CBD has been tested by a third-party lab. Do your homework and treat your hard-working skin with care.