Usually in this blog I give you information about one condition or another and how CBD may be of benefit to those who have such conditions. Today, I thought I’d do something a bit different. I have found recipes that you can make to pamper your fine self, using natural products and CBD oil. Oh, and that CBD oil you use for these recipes also makes a good dietary supplement, rich in vitamins, essential fatty acids and omega 3 and 6. Good for you inside and out.
Enjoy these CBD recipes with natural products to pamper and protect your body.
Coffee & CBD body scrub
Makes 1 body scrub
Jump into a new day with this invigorating shower scrub. You can even use the coffee grounds from your morning joe. Simple and practical.
¼ C brown coconut sugar
4 T coconut oil, melted
1 T coffee grounds (can use your morning grounds)
3 drops lavender essential oil
15 mg (about half a dropper) CBD oil
Combine the ingredients fully. Get in the shower and start rubbing the scrub in circular motion all over. Don’t forget your feet and the back of your hands. Next, shower as usual and enjoy silky smooth skin.
Coconut bath bomb
Makes 4 bombs
Grab your candle, glass of wine (or whatever) and a bath bomb for some skin pampering me time.
1 C baking soda
½ C citric acid
½ C Epsom salts

½ C cornstarch
1 T coconut oil, melted
60 mg (about ¼ tsp) CBD oil
1 tsp filtered water
10 drops of your favorite essential oil
1. Combine the first four ingredients.
2. In another small bowl combine coconut, CBD and essential oils with the water.
3. Slowly pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix thoroughly with your hands. The mixture will be crumbly and shouldn’t feel wet. If you want, you can add dry flower petals for added elegance. Or not.
4. Press the mixture firmly into greased bath bomb molds or muffin tins.
5. Let dry and harden 24 to 48 hours. Remove carefully and store in a dry place.
6. Start the bathwater and toss in a bomb. Sit back, relax and enjoy.
Last, but not least.
Green Goddess CBD mask
Makes two masks
Treat yourself like the goddess or god that you are with a very green, but nutritious, face mask. Manuka honey is the star of this mask with its skin healing benefits.
1 small cucumber, skin on
½ avocado, refrigerated
1 T manuka honey
1 tsp matcha powder
15 mg (about half a dropper) CBD oil
1. Slice the cucumber in half, place in blender or food processor.
2. Add the meat of the avocado, honey, matcha powder and CBD oil.
3. Blend on low for about a minute, scrape down the inside of the blender or food processor and blend on high to get rid of cucumber chunks.
4. Apply to your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then remove with warm water and a wash cloth.